Infinite House of Praise


Solemn Assembly Guide Lines



Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the eldersand all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD. Joel 1:14 



Dear I.H.O.P. Church Family;

I would like to invite you to join the staff, leaders and myself as we fast and pray the week of Jan 6th  – 11th for God’s direction, vision and hedge of protection for our Church.


DAY 1 - Sunday, January 6, 2019

Group: General Church

Prayer Focused: Submission To God

Scriptures Reading: 

Luke 9:23

Romans 12:1-2

1 Peter 3:15

DAY 2 - Monday, January 7, 2019

Group: IHOP Church Men (All Ages)

Prayer Focus: Spiritual GrowthLeadership,  Deliverance From Sin &

Generational Sins

Scripture Reading: 

Jeremiah 32:39

Psalm 111:10

2 Kings 23:25

Luke 24:25  

DAY 3 – Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Group: IHOP Women (All Ages)

Prayer Focus: Prayers of Adoration and Praise

Scripture Reading: 

1 Chronicles 16:10-12

Isaiah 40:28-29

Psalms 95:1-7

Hebrews 13:15

DAY 4 - Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Group: General Church

Prayer Focus: Spiritual Revival

Scripture Reading: 

2 Chronicles 7:14

Habakkuk 3:2

Psalm 19:17

2 Tim 2:24-25


DAY 5 – Thursday, January 10, 2019

Group: Youth Fresh Fire

Prayer Focus: Commitment to God

Scripture Reading:

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Tim 4:12

Deut 31:6

Eph 4:29

Day 6 – Friday, January 11, 2019

Group: Family 

Prayer Focus: God’s Kingdom Come focus: Power, Purpose, Praise & Prayer

Scripture Reading:

Luke 11:2

Psalm 47:7-8

Matt 6:33

1 Chronicles 16:31



*A fast is a conscious, intentional decision to abstain for a time from the pleasure of eating in order to gain vital spiritual benefits.  We encourage as many of you that will to challenge yourself to a TOTAL FAST for the full (6) days, with the allowance of liquids only. However, if you are not accustom to fasting I suggest starting out using the outline listed below: 


Example:  One meal a day:  If during my fast, I’m “Eating DinnerOnly” my fast time will take place between 12:00 Midnight – 5:00 PM. 

(Eating Breakfast Only) My Fast time 10:00 am – 12: 00 Midnight

(Eating Lunch Only) My Fast time 5:00 pm – 10:00 am 

(Eating Dinner Only) My Fast time 12:00 Midnight – 5:00 pm



***Each night during the Fast will be filled with praise, worship within the group and ***

an on-time Word from the Lord.  Service will begin at 7:00 pm nightly.



Dr. R.L. Williams Sr.

Senior Pastor

Infinite House of Praise

I.H.O.P Church strongly encourages individuals with health concerns to consult their doctor prior to beginning a fast.  This is especially important if you take prescription medications or have a chronic condition.  Some people should never fast without professional supervision.