The mission of Infinite House of Praise Ministries is to help people 

change their lives for God's purpose.

Vision Statement

I am to...

Preach the Kingdom (Matthew 24:14)

I am to bring the word of God to the nations.

Increase the Kingdom (Isaiah 9:6-7)

I am to make disciples of men

Seek first the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

I am to become a true worshipper of God

Live in the Kingdom (John 10:10)

I am to have the God kind of life

Possess the Kingdom (Daniel 7:22)

I am to fulfill God's kingdom purposes in the earth



The values that help guide focus and direct our ministry teachings, activities and outreaches:

Word of God

Prayer and Worship

Marriage and Family




Reaping and Sowing

Kingdom agenda



Disciple Making



Bible Scriptures

There is no higher authority than the Word of God. As a ministry, we measure all our decisions by God's written truth. We expect you to do the same in your personal life. This is important not just because God requires this from us, but because His Word is alive. By meditating on the Word through scripture reading, scripture confession, and scripture-filled teaching, we become more alive. The Word fills us with God's life, which is everlasting, ever-refreshing, and ever-rebounding. The Word of God also reminds us of His promises, which builds up our faith, strengthens our mental outlook, and comforts our hearts. As a growing and maturing believer, you are expected to spend time daily in the Word.

(Hebrews 4:12; II Timothy 3:16-17I Peter 2:2Joshua 1:8Psalm 1:1-3)


Marriage and Family

The first institution that God created is the institution of marriage. Before God created pastors and evangelists, He created husbands and wives. The marriage institution is sacred and God wants you to honor it by valuing your own marriage. If you are single, you value marriage by preserving yourself sexually, emotionally, and spiritually in preparation for a quality Christian spouse, or by living a life of singleness that is wholly committed to God. Responsible parenthood is also important to the ministry. A busy ministry schedule is no excuse for family neglect.

(Genesis 2:24I Timothy 5:8Ephesians 5:22-23Ephesians 6:4)



Everything God has established starts and begins with purpose. In order to be fruitful and fulfilled in life we must know and embrace God's original intent for us corporately and individually. Everything we do in ministry must measure up to God's express design and will for our church, our department, our families and our lives.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1;  Ephesians 1:11)


Sowing and Reaping

Everything that God has created works based upon the principle of planting seeds that produce a corresponding harvest. Just as seeds planted in the earth produce plants, seeds planted in our minds, marriages, finances, and careers produce harvests that reflect those seeds. Consequently, we teach you to be deliberate about how you invest in your lives so that you produce results that fulfill God's expectations for you, your family and your spheres of influence.

(Genesis 8:22I Corinthians 9:6-13Galatians 6:7-8)



Because of the scope of God's vision to bring the nations of the world to Him, the work of God must take place across several generations. Consequently, we must live our lives in such a way that future generations benefit from what God does in and through us. As we pursue God's corporate and individual purpose for our lives, we must invest adequately into the lives of our families and disciples so that the work of God will continue perpetually.

(Genesis 12:1-3Genesis 17:7-9; Genesis 18:17-19)


Discipleship – II Timothy 2:2

Discipleship is the essence of Jesus' final command to us just before He left the earth. It is the life force of the church. We desire for you to attend a life group and to eventually become a life group leader. This is also important because discipleship is the primary way that Christ's character is formed within us. We grow by watching people model Christ's character, and by modeling His character for others.

(John 21:15-17Matthew 28:18-20)


Prayer and Worship

Both worship and prayer are vital aspects of your relationship with God and your service to Him. Worship and prayer are how we commune with God. Consequently, our desire is that you maintain a strong personal worship and prayer life. We invite you to participate in corporate gatherings for worship and prayer at the church. However, worship services and prayer meetings mean very little unless you are displaying a loving heart, a humble attitude, and a teachable character. Remember: Worship is not just a song, but a lifestyle. Prayer is not just communication with God, but obedience to God.

(Luke 18:1-8; John 4:23-24Romans 12:1)


Love must be the motivation for everything you do. An inspiring song, a skillful camera shot, or a beautiful dance mean absolutely nothing if we do not have love in our hearts. Regardless of how much we pray, read the Bible or sing worship songs, we do not truly love God if we do not truly love our neighbor. This means that bitterness, strife, jealousy, and dishonor must be addressed at the root. Consequently, unforgiveness will not be tolerated. As the scriptures says, "...if you are about to place your gift on the altar and remember that someone is angry with you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. Make peace with that person, then come back and offer your gift to God."

(Matthew 5:23-24 ; I Corinthians 13:1-3Matthew 18:21-22)



There is nothing in live that does not require faith. God wants you to keep your faith strong by reading, speaking and listening to the Word of God, and by minimizing exposure to influences that plant doubtful, fearful and skeptical thoughts in your mind. The mission and vision that God has given our church requires us to pursue objectives that appear difficult, unlikely or impossible. Hence, we must use our faith to conquer every obstacle in our way. When God's purpose and vision for us are at stake, we do not take no for an answer. We persist with confidence that God is able to do EVERYTHING He has promised us.

(Hebrews 10:35-39Hebrews 11:1-3)


Kingdom – Matthew 6:33

Jesus did not come to the earth to set up a religious community, a social club, or a philanthropic organization. He came to the earth to set up government, one that acknowledges God as King. In God's Kingdom, we are not just subjects, but fellow kings who rule with God. We enforce His law, restoring unredeemed men, women, boys and girls to fellowship and dominion with God. Our utmost priority is to advance His Kingdom in every nation of the world.

(Matthew 4:17Matthew 6:10, 13Matthew 9:35Matthew 10:7Matthew 24:14)


Our church's vision is global, so we help you to think in a global context. IHOP Church has a strong commitment to missions' work around the world. Therefore, we encourage our members to participate in opportunities to serve and share the gospel in foreign countries. We also encourage you to support our missions' work financially and to pray for the missionaries we dispatch.

(Mark 15:15; Matthew 28:18-20)



Our spiritual commitments in prayer, Bible reading and life group attendance are not just religious rituals. They give us the leverage to become productive in God's Kingdom. Consequently, we teach you to be deliberate about being fruitful for God in every area of your life. You should set measurable goals spiritually, socially, physically, and financially so that you are maximizing your contributions to God's Kingdom on earth.

 (John 15:1-16)